Wood cutting
We guarantee the highest quality. This is the main value of our company

Touch the tree

We create beautiful wooden figurines, sculptures, 3D carines from wood of different breeds of trees, as well as wood engraving, icons and much more that our customer wishes

Stages of
Description of the stages of the company's work and interaction with customers from the beginning to the end result.
Every web developer knows what a «fish» text is. This text, despite the name, has nothing to do with the inhabitants of reservoirs.
Selection of materials
Every web developer knows what a «fish» text is. This text, despite the name, has nothing to do with the inhabitants of reservoirs.
Every web developer knows what a «fish» text is. This text, despite the name, has nothing to do with the inhabitants of reservoirs.
Every web developer knows what a «fish» text is. This text, despite the name, has nothing to do with the inhabitants of reservoirs.
Every web developer knows what a «fish» text is. This text, despite the name, has nothing to do with the inhabitants of reservoirs.

Why are We the best in the field of wood cutting

Let me tell you in clear phrases about what advantages our workshop has and why you should contact us!

We know what you need

We can already understand what you would like to get from the order from half a word

Cozy office

You come to a cozy office and get quality service from our side

Workshop development

We keep the right vector of development of the workshop

Premium material

We select the best and high-quality tree varieties for your products

Multiple orders

We have completed more than 2680 orders for wood cutting and other products

Best tools

We use a large arsenal of tools for working on wood

Services we provide
Wooden sculptures
Unique wooden sculptures to order
3D paintings
3D paintings will make any interior more expensive
Wood engraving, icons and more


Order a product made of wood!

It's very simple, you leave your data through the form,
and we contact you and clarify all the points on the order!

The CRM form will appear here